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About Comtherm
The Comtherm range burners and space heaters are suitable for use in dryers, incinerators and ovens in the process industry. The burners are suitable for the combustion of almost all the commercially available gases such as natural gas, propane, butane, town gas, and so on.
By means of special adjustments, the burners can also be made suitable for the combustion of low calorific gases. Most burners are available with a Power Switch, hoog/laag- or modulating control. The modulating control is possible only with gas or gas / air burners.
The burners Comtherm distinguished by a very favorable price / performance ratio. Depending on the application, a control range of 1:30 easily feasible for most types of burners. The heaters are available in a wide range of capacities. Look here for more information.
ICAM represents Comtherm in the Netherlands. Right you can find the complete overview of the Comtherm products we supply.
For all products, a guide for installation, commissioning and maintenance provided.
For the required maintenance of the installations may ICAM you a tailored maintenance agreement.
We assist you in finding the most suitable solution for you. This results in custom designed systems that meet your specific needs. Providing customized ICAM is a specialty. Do not hesitate to contact us, we like with you.